Manager readme
At the risk of coming off hokey, I'll give this a shot. If nothing else, I'll be back in a year to see how I've changed.
- Our 1:1 is primarily for you to get the most out of your time on our team, so that comes first. But it's also for me to get the quality information about what's happening on the ground floor. I appreciate your unique insight.
- Over-communicating means including the context – especially helpful during these work-from-home periods!
- "Managing expectations" is one of the most valuable things you can learn. Break down work into manageable pieces, tackle items one at a time, don't overcommit, and provide updates early and often to those who care about what you're doing.
- Validating requirements and negotiating acceptance criteria takes practice, but is critical for high-functioning teams!
- Meetings are for decisions, and agendas drive decision-making. A meeting can end as soon as a decision is made.
- I haven't worked with you before. Consider giving me tips on how I can better work with you. If you're uncomfortable, please consider giving anonymous feedback to my manager or our human resources team.
- When I ask "you good?", I'm not asking for a status update. I'm asking if you have everything you need; if you feel confident and on-track, if there's something I can do help you out, or if you have some insight to share with me.
- Chat with me about technology, programming, architecture, hacking, leadership, agile, books, kettlebells, and arts and culture in general. I'm genuinely interested in things!