Awesome patch cables for everyone

Some friends in Montreal have spent the last year starting their first business, a custom patch cable company specializing in high-quality low-cost and very stylish audio patch cables.

I've always dreamed of having bright blue and green and red cables linking my synths and drummachines to my audio interfaces and amplifiers, but unable to bring myself to splurge on the high cost and subsequent shipping and border tax (as most of the custom companies ship from out of the US).

Needless to say, I was totally stoked that someone had decided to start up this kind of thing in Canada, and that it was two totally cool punks that I already knew from Montreal.

They needed help with a website, but they had some really good ideas already worked out. I was happy to work with them to actualize their vision, and I think we're quite happy with the result!

So check it out, buy some cables, and ping me on twitter (@codydjango) if you notice any bugs!